
Weitzer Parkett Vertriebs GmbH

General company data

Klammstraße 24
8160 Weiz

Phone: +43 (0) 3172 / 2372-0

DVR No.: 0055913
Company reg. No.: 557395z
ARA exempt
License-No: 2582
Bonus Holsystem: 2601
VAT: ATU76996609
Place of jurisdiction: Graz

Disclosure according to Section 25, Media Act

Company wording: Weitzer Parkett Vertriebs GmbH
Purpose of the company: Parquet production
Memberships of chambers of commerce: Styria Chamber of Commerce (WKO Steiermark)
Professional law: trade regulation:
Trade authority: Weiz Municipal Authority (Bezirkshauptmannschaft Weiz)
Place of jurisdiction: Graz
Conferring state: industrial company in Austria

Weitzer Parkett GmbH, Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
(Complementary: Weitzer Holding GmbH 100%)
Place: Klammstraße 24, 8160 Weiz
Company reg. No.: FN65575i
Firmenbuchgericht: Landesgericht Graz
DI Josef Stoppacher
Hueberweg 29, 8160 Weiz

Managing Directors

  • DI Josef Stoppacher
  • Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Martin Karner, MA

Ownership structure: Limited partner Weitzer Holding GmbH 100% (partners Wilfried Weitzer 3.51%, Certus Estate GmbH 3.51%, SEAL Privatstiftung 92,98%)

Purpose of website: the website Weitzer provides information about the goods and services of Weitzer Parkett Vertriebs GmbH. In association with this, details of all showroom partners of the company, reasons why Weitzer Parkett should be purchased, and currently available positions are provided on this internet presence.



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© Weitzer Parkett


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